1 Ltr
5 Ltr
*At Utsav.Earth, producers set their own prices. Discuss delivery and other charges directly with them.
Introducing our Mustard Oil (Sarso tel), a bold and flavourful choice for your cooking needs. Made from high-quality mustard seeds, our premium oil adds a distinctive and tangy taste to your dishes. With its high smoke point, it is ideal for various cooking methods, including frying, sautéing, and grilling. Mustard Oil is also known for its potential health benefits, such as boosting digestion and supporting cardiovascular health. Enhance the flavours of your favourite recipes and enjoy the unique zest that Mustard Oil brings to your culinary creations. Our Introducing are carefully crafted using only the finest ingredients sourced from local farmers. Each batch is made with care to ensure the highest quality, delivering a healthy and indulgent experience for you and your family. With no preservatives, artificial flavors, or refined sugar, these products are perfect for those who want to enjoy guilt-free snacking while nourishing their bodies with clean, wholesome ingredients. Whether you’re looking for a quick energy boost or a delicious treat, our products promise satisfaction with every bite.
USP:- Bold, flavourful, and rich in Omega 3 and Vitamin-E
Benefits:- Supports heart health, boosts digestion, enhances immunity, and contains antioxidants that promote overall wellness.
Usage:- Best for stir-frying, sautéing, or deep-frying. Use in marinades or dressings for a rich, nutty taste.
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