Black Sesame Oil
₹ 490.00
1 ltr
*At Utsav.Earth, producers set their own prices. Discuss delivery and other charges directly with them.
Black Sesame Seeds.
Benefits of Black Sesame Oil
- Improves digestion: Black sesame seeds (Kale Til Ka Tel) are high in fiber and fatty acids. Sesame oil keeps the intestines lubricated which is helpful in relieving constipation. As a result, digestion improves.
- Best source of energy.
- Rich in nutrients and vitamins.
- Reduces the risk of cancer.
- Relief from constipation and indigestion.
- Controls blood pressure.
- Beneficial for bones
We are delighted to inform you that we have started an enterprise for production of Groundnut Oil, Black Sesame Oil, White Sesame Oil, Mustard Oil and Coconut Oil. The production of these oils is being carried out through a WOODEN COLD PRESSED OIL MACHINE. "Cold pressing is a traditional way of e...
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