250 ml
500 ml
1 ltr
5 ltr
*At Utsav.Earth, producers set their own prices. Discuss delivery and other charges directly with them.
Mustard oil, (Sarso Tel) is loaded with vitamin-E, an essential nutrient for the skin. Contains beta-caroten which is excellent for hai growth. It has been an age-old ingredient for the treatment for cough and cold. Body massage improves blood circulation, skin texture and release muscular tension.
Nitya shuddham homemade mustard oil is extracted from wood pressed ghani. It is 100% pure unrefined, Unbleached and deodorized. Ideal for skin, hair, oil, pulling, cooking and as a ear drop. Our Mustard are carefully crafted using only the finest ingredients sourced from local farmers. Each batch is made with care to ensure the highest quality, delivering a healthy and indulgent experience for you and your family. With no preservatives, artificial flavors, or refined sugar, these products are perfect for those who want to enjoy guilt-free snacking while nourishing their bodies with clean, wholesome ingredients. Whether you’re looking for a quick energy boost or a delicious treat, our products promise satisfaction with every bite.
Benefits:- Supports hair growth, improves skin texture, and enhances blood circulation. A traditional remedy for colds and coughs.
USP:- Pure, unrefined mustard oil rich in Vitamin E and beta-carotene.
Usage:- Ideal for cooking, body massage, and haircare. Can also be used for oil pulling, ear drops, and as a natural remedy for common ailments.
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100 ml
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