Groundnut Oil
₹ 450.00
1 ltr
₹ 2,000.00
5 ltr
*At Utsav.Earth, producers set their own prices. Discuss delivery and other charges directly with them.
Ground Nuts
Nitya Shuddham Groundnut oil (Peanut Oil, Groundnut Oil, Arachis Oil, Mungfali Tel) is extracted from wood pressed ghani and considered to be the healthiest cooking oil which is free from trans fat, cholesterol and has low content of saturated fats. It has high content of unsaturated fats such as mono unsaturated fat. It is a great source of antioxidant, phytosterols and Vitamin E that is beneficial for heart health. It is excellent for frying due to high temperature in comparison to other oils.
I’m Roshni did Graduation in Commerce, B. Ed, Diploma in fabric designing and simultaneously was also studying Madhyasth Darshan since 10th standard from which i got inspired and decided to live a holistic life slowly and gradually started doing adhyan, practicing organic kitchen gardening from h...
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